Known as “The Welsh Dragon” because of her signature on her prints, Margaret’s love of photography began in capturing the Slate Landscapes of her native North Wales. Committed to printing her images, she believed that a photograph is taken with a camera but the image was made in the Darkroom, which changed to the “Light-room”, […]
Categories: Street/Urban, and Open. Street/Urban – The image must not be a collage or any type of composite. Open – Anything goes. The closing date for entries into this competition is Monday 18 November 2024.
Category: Open. Entry specifications for the Triptych Panel competition can be found on the Competitions page. The closing date for entries into this competition is Monday 16 December 2024.
Categories: Yellow, and Open. Yellow – Yellow must be in the image although it doesn't need to be the main subject. Open – Anything goes. The closing date for entries into this competition is Monday 5 January 2024.
A presentation of photographs documenting a Trek along the Lord Curzon Trail in the Garwhal Himalaya, via the Kuari Pass. Today is the last date for entries into Competition 7: 'Scapes, and Open (Prints).
For some, the Holy Grail of Photography - capturing that elusive image that sums up a person’s personality in just one shot. We may not achieve that tonight, but bring your camera and I’ll bring along some simple lighting, a few props, and (hopefully) a willing subject, and we’ll explore and share techniques and ideas […]
Categories: 'Scapes, and Open. 'Scapes – This includes Landscapes, Cityscapes, Seascapes. Open – Anything goes. The closing date for entries into this competition is Monday 27 January 2025.
A guide to flower, plant and insect photography suitable for beginners and up, Molly reveals her tips and tricks to create photos that have impact without being too artificial. Molly is an award-winning flower and garden photographer who has recently published the book Creative Flower and Plant Photography. She won the Plants category of the […]
Lead: Quentin Vidal-Taylor – Nearer the time we’ll know the venue, but bring your cameras, and a full complement of lenses if you have them, and we’ll learn from each other, share our results, and go for a drink afterwards.
Vicky is an advocate for Mobile Phone photography and will present on her Marseille smartphone street photography. The Club totally embraces images taken on any device, and many of our Members only ever use their Mobile Phone cameras these days, understandable when they can achieve such outstanding results. On 7 April our Pix on Stix […]
Categories: Night Photography, and Open . Night Photography – Images shot at night only. Open – Anything goes. The closing date for entries into this competition is Monday 3 March 2025.
Simon gave us a talk in last year’s season, so it is no surprise we raced to book him again this year. In this talk he introduces us to the art of the still life - and still life photography in particular. As well as presenting a large number of his own stunning light-painted still […]
Lead: Karen Morgan and Pauline Watling – These Pix on Stix evenings give every Member a chance to show their images, whether wonderful or not. The images this evening must have been taken on a Mobile Phone.
Categories: Reflections, and Open. Reflections – Reflection must be the main subject. Open – Anything goes. The closing date for entries into this competition is Monday 24 March 2025. Today is the last date for entries into Competition 10: Image of the Year (Open Digital and Prints).
The art of not just looking, but actually seeing what’s there in front of us. Paul comes from an Art College background and it was this simple truism that changed his whole outlook when taking photographs.
We learnt how to do it back in November, so now is the time to take a deep breath, confront those fears, and go out en masse with everyone else and click away.
In this competition, you can actually win a silver cup and a trophy which are yours to keep until this time next year. The closing date for entries into this competition is Monday 14 April 2025.