Karen will lead us through debunking all we’ve been trying to achieve throughout our photography years - ie. trying to create a beautifully sharp, focussed image, and show us instead how to master Intentional Camera Movement (ICM) photography, also known as blurred images to the rest of us. Competition 3 on 11 November is ICM […]
Lead: Mick Mortimer – The first of our Photoshoots this season will be on the theme of Water, in all its guises. Bring your camera kit, and maybe some wellies, as we learn from each other on the day, and later share our results with other Members.
Lead: David Ross and Stephen Thorne – We’ve an Exhibition coming up and this evening will be spent checking and compiling our prints for inclusion. Also, as a fund raiser for the exhibition, we’re holding a Bring and Buy sale tonight. So bring along all those unused pieces of kit you have lying around and […]
Lead: David Ross – Going beyond the realms of just still photography, this is an opportunity for members to show their expertise and imaginative flair in laying down some of their favourite images and videos to a thumpingly good soundtrack. It’s an informal evening so it would also be good to hear Member’s photographic experiences […]
Lead: Peter Williams – Peter will lead us around Taunton seeking out interesting night time photographs, so bring your tripod, torch, and a whistle for when you get lost. We can show our results on the Pix on Stix evening on the 18 November and, on 17 March, the category for Competition 8 is Night […]